May is motorcycle month in the Myrtle Beach area with two separate, week-long events occurring during the month. Myrtle Beach Bike Week occurs during the second week of May and Atlantic Beach Bikefest occurs over Memorial Weekend. With all of the vacationers in the area enjoying the festivities, finding the best place to safely park your motorcycle can seem like a challenge. We have some great tips to help you find where to park your motorcycle, how to keep your motorcycle safe at the beach and follow parking regulations in the Myrtle Beach area.
Most oceanfront resorts along the Grand Strand simply do not have enough space to accommodate motorcycle trailer parking. However, there are several locations in the Myrtle Beach area that rent short and long term parking for motorcycle trailers during the season for a small fee. We recommend calling well in advance to secure your parking before heading to the beach. Here are just a few Myrtle Beach motorcycle parking options:
We recognize that your motorcycle is an investment and we want you to ensure you take every precaution to keep it safe and secure while you’re visiting. Although our beautiful beaches are very safe, every area has its share of bad people. Make sure you keep your bike safe while visiting and deter thieves with the following actions:
A little caution and some well-spent money can help protect your prized possession for years to come.
Persons with disabilities may park in specially marked spaces or at any public-operated parking meter for free provided their bike displays a valid handicapped, Purple Heart, Disabled American Veterans or Medal of Honor license tag, or a valid and official handicapped hang tag. This applies anywhere in the state of South Carolina.
Parking meters are identified with stickers that indicate how long meters are available. The red stickers indicate short-term 3 hour parking and the green stickers indicate all-day parking. Hourly rates range from $1.00 to $1.50 depending on the location and demand. All-day meters are clearly marked stating that for $6.00 you can park in that spot all day, just remember to look for the green sticker on the meter for all-day parking. It is illegal to park your motorcycle on a sidewalk or crosswalk; within 10 feet of a fire hydrant, 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection or 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing; alongside a curb painted yellow or on a bridge.
Motorcycle parking regulations in Myrtle Beach restrict bike parking to no more than two motorcycles in a single public parking space. If the motorcycles are parked in a pay-to-park space, both vehicles must pay for parking and properly display their parking stubs.